Diet (Summary: Diet) (French: Régime alimentaire) or daily food or regular food is a set of foods consumed by a living thing or person. Sometimes people follow a special diet that may have been recommended by a nutritionist called abstinence or a therapeutic diet (for example, in diabetes). Sometimes a person follows a diet . Abstinence diet or obesity diet (weight gain diet) to lose weight or gain weight. Also, some people like to include only herbs in their diet, which is called vegetarianism.
healthy diet
Vegetarian diet
Do not skip any promises
Do not eliminate carbohydrates
Fat removal is wrong
Slimming diet based on calories consumed
healthy diet
It is a diet that helps maintain and improve the general health of the body. A healthy diet provides the body with the necessary nutrients, fluids, amino acids and fatty acids, vitamins and minerals, as well as calories. A healthy diet provides you with the basic needs of the body without making you overweight or ill. Also, a healthy diet along with exercise can reduce your risk of diseases such as obesity, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and cancer.
Vegetarian diet
In this diet, all animal products are removed from the diet and replaced by plant materials and resources. Low cholesterol levels and normal blood pressure, lack of cardiovascular disease, obesity and diabetes are the result of following a planned plant-based diet.
This method of nutrition is necessary and vital for the health of obese people, but it can be dangerous for ordinary people.After a few young mannequin girls die as a result of malnutrition, social protests, especially by women activists, about the living conditions of these people and their adverse effects. It has intensified in the society and an anti-slimming campaign has been formed.
In some European countries, there are laws that require mannequins to have a medical degree. Following a diet is not just about eliminating food. Proper diet is a program that includes all food groups and does not harm the body.
The important principle in following a slimming diet is to be slow and continuous. This will allow the body to get used to the new style over time and will not put pressure on the body with gradual weight loss and complications such as hair loss and sagging skin will not occur.
In a proper weight loss diet, the following should be observed: No promise Do not skip at first It may seem interesting to skip a meal, but this is not right . because it makes you feel very hungry and overeat. Because when you are hungry you want to eat more and everything looks delicious. Also, eating a nutritious snack will help you not feel hungry for meals and your blood sugar will remain stable. Try not to consume more than 200 calories between meals. The important rule is: increase the number of meals, but reduce the volume of meals. Do not eliminate carbohydrates. Eliminating carbohydrates can not be very effective. It may help you lose weight at first, but it will not last.
Instead of cutting out carbs, try whole grains such as brown rice and whole grain breads. These compounds are high in fiber and can make you feel full for a long time. Fat Removal is Wrong Although nutritionists always insist on reducing fat intake, but eliminating it completely is not the right thing to do. Because the body has to use a variety of useful fat sources such as unsaturated fats to burn fat. These fats are found in nuts, seeds, olive oil, and peanut butter. Calorie-Based Slimming Diets In a calorie-based diet, you should carefully calculate your calorie intake and move forward based on it.
In your weight loss diet, consider everything you eat and every activity you have and follow your diet on a daily calorie basis. Note also that there is no single way to lose weight. Rather, for each person, according to his physical and mental characteristics one type of diet can be suitable, and for another person, another type of slimming diets may be suitable.
They also have exercise and physical activity, and some of them can lose weight without diet and only with exercise, and this depends entirely on the person.
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